Enabling people and communities to lead healthier and happier lives by connecting them to nature and each other

Exciting news from Hands of Hope…

6 July 2023
Sosi in the Hope Farm Organic Produce Shop which has now closed.

Our very own, on-site, organic farm shop is now open here at Hope Farm Gardens (starting 14th July 2023)

The shop is open on Fridays from 10 – 4pm.  

Brimming with produce this is the best place to buy fresh, seasonal, organic fruit and vegetables.

We sell fruit and vegetables harvested from the Farm, and will even pop down to the field to pick while You wait !

Picking up a jute bag packed with organic, seasonal produce is a great way to start the weekend.

  • Enter through the  gates of our organic enterprise and a whole new world of food production, educational and community activities becomes apparent.
  • Each area of the smallholding demonstrates our commitment to providing natural, nutritious food in a sustainable, environmentally-friendly way.
  • The  fruit trees in our orchard provide wide variety of apples,  with the assistance of the bees from the hives that also give us honey to sell in the site shop.
  • A peaceful area on site featuring our new pond with benches – a good book is all you need for a relaxed afternoon.
  • A large Greenhouse enables us to protect and enlarge the growing season for many of our root crops and salad items.
  • Visit our Forest School, a child-centred inspirational learning process, that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions.  It is a long-term program that supports play, exploration and supported risk taking.  It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting.
  • Relax in our tranquil outdoor café with tea/ coffee and homemade scones and cakes made by our volunteers.
  • The centre is already the focal point for a number of community and educational activities and will become an increasingly important facility for all age groups in the years to come.

We look forward to seeing you there

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