Enabling people and communities to lead healthier and happier lives by connecting them to nature and each other

Trout fillet, pesto, mixed grains and roast beetroot

9 August 2022

Thank you so much to Charlotte Butterworth @theneedy.greedy for the below recipe.

The simplest of of suppers, but so gorgeous, healthy and delicious.

6 ingredients, 6 minutes hands on time, and the oven does all the work.
I love using British trout, as a delicious , easy way to enjoy that all important oily fish, and would really recommend you try!

Ingredients – Serves 2 
*2 British trout fillets 
*1 pouch of ready mix grains (find in prepared veg section ). I’m using Wholegrains with edamame bean
*1 bunch of beetroot – topped and tailed, and cut into wedges. I don’t bother peeling. 
*2-3 tbsp fresh pesto (I used bought but do make your own), not jarred ideally
*1 handful microgreens*

1-Pre heat the oven to 200C. Put the quartered beetroot in a roasting tin with some olive oil and seasoning. Roast for 40 mins, they are cooked when tender as a knife inserted.

2-Pop the trout on a greaseproof sheet on a baking tray. Season generously, I put a couple of lemon slices on top. Cook for 10 mins or so (depending on size and how well cooked you like).

3-Microwave your grains as per instructions. To plate up, place the warm grains on the plate, stir through the pesto, half the microgreens. Add the beetroot wedges. Put the trout on top, scatter the rest of the microgreens. Serve with a squeeze of lemon.

Don’t forget to follow @theneedy.greedy for lots of recipe ideas

I love using microgreens because they are incredibly delicious, easy and are supremely concentrated versions of veg, so extraordinary good for you.

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